Cara Jitu Faikar (Faikar’s Best Way)

Satgas COVID 19 Children's Book Illustration

My children's book illustration "Cara Jitu Faikar" (the best way from Faikar) became the best 15 children's books chosen from 50 participants to participate in the children's Satgas covid 19 books compilation

I created a children's book illustration with the theme of covid 19. This Children's book tells about a small child named Faikar who used to play around in the small grocery store owned by Grandma Hida. However, since the pandemic began, Faikar's favourite person has never been selling again. Faikar has a way of helping Grandma Hilda. Faikar used social media to promote Grandma Hilda's store and find the donate for Grandma Hilda. This children's book invites the audience to help and care for one another by gotong royong (working together).


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