Tapak Sena is a motion comic series on food waste education with easy-to-understand delivery and stories close to the target audience of Indonesian children aged 9-12 years. This motion comic tells about Sena's adventures in overcoming the problem of food waste in Indonesia. There is education about the meaning of food waste, its impacts and consequences, and how to reduce food waste, which is easy for children to follow. This project served as the central focus of my undergraduate thesis, for which I received a perfect score (A). It demonstrates my commitment to thorough research and my ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges.
The methods in this motion comic are the design thinking method, literature studies, existing studies, in-depth interviews with four expert sources followed by four experimental studies, and pre-testing of the target regarding draft designs and story scripts. After the motion comic is finished, a post-test is carried out on the target. The post-test was conducted to determine the level of awareness and knowledge of children on the phenomenon of food waste after seeing the motion comic design, as well as to know the success and influence of this design in increasing children's awareness of food waste and concern for food.
Tapak Sena Eps 1. Sena’s Rice Grain
Tapak Sena Trailer