Publication is a medium for artists to articulate artistic expression and a form of discussion that can be a new viewpoint for readers that leads to critical thinking. In this project, I bring the history and culture of the art precinct through the architecture, places, and animals that lived around the art precinct. It involved sharing my experience as a designer and as a master’s student, which involved research and reading.

The concept of this project is inspired by the term of the spirit world of the First Nation’s storytelling of “dreaming” from the Australian-indigenous culture of the spirit world where some creatures live around us. (Artlandish Aboriginal Art Gallery 2024), This book has 64 pages.

I include interactivity pages such as pop-ups and 3D Augmented reality to engage the readers. Not only that, but there are also cultural aspects to which I have taken the First Nations’ mythological creatures.

3D Augmented Reality

There is an Augmented Reality at the end of the pages and on the poster. In this digital era, besides physical engagement, I want the audience to have a digital engagement where the reader can explore other mediums and materials.


The poster uses the same design element as the book to create a connection. The poster becomes the summary of the book.


Cara Jitu Faikar (Faikar's Best Way) Children's Book Illustration